Some political misperceptions of each other directly relate to fears and associated feelings of threat. These include findings on dehumanization, democratic norms, and political violence. Other misperceptions can add to an overblown sense that those in the other party would be dangerous if they had power, or feel threatening to specific groups that are being misperceived.
Examples of fearful actions fearful people can take when when political misperceptions of each other are not addressed:
Voting for problematic or even dangerous candidates: People may vote for candidates who fight more than legislate, trying to prevent the other party from having influence.
Authoritarianism and illiberalism: Research on authoritarianism and illiberalism shows that these tendencies are usually activated due to perceived threats, especially to safety and security, even if the threats are exaggerated. People can then take actions to make the country more authoritarian or illiberal.
Breaking democratic norms and accepting political violence: There can be greater acceptance of breaking democratic norms and/or political violence, to prevent the other party from gaining or using power, if it is seen as so immoral or dangerous.